Personal data policy

Dear Guest
As a result of the EU’s new personal data regulation, which entered into force on 25 May 2018, we are obliged to inform our guests about how we process, use, store and delete personal data.

1. We are the data controller

1.1. Purpose
We process personal data and have therefore adopted this personal data policy, which tells you how we process your data.
In order to protect your personal data as best as possible, we continuously assess how high the risk is that our data processing negatively affects your fundamental rights. We are particularly aware of the risk of you being exposed to discrimination or ID theft or suffering financial loss, loss of reputation or data confidentiality.

1.2 Contact information
Hotel Saxkjøbing A/S is the data controller for the processing of personal information. You will find our contact information below.
Hotel Saxkjøbing
Torvet 9
4990 Sakskøbing
CVR. 29792534
Tel. +45 54 70 40 39
If you have any questions about our processing of your information, you are always welcome to contact our data controller.
You can contact our data controller on tel. +45 54 70 40 39 and by letter to Hotel Saxkjøbing A/S, Torvet 9, 4990 Sakskøbing.

1.3. We ensure fair and transparent data processing
When we ask you to make your personal data available to us, we inform you about which data we process about you and for what purpose. You receive information about this at the time of collection of your personal data.
If we obtain data about you from others, e.g. a supplier, authority or business partner, we will inform you about this no later than 14 days after we have obtained your personal data. We also provide information about the purpose of the collection and the legal basis that gives us access to collect your personal data.

2. What data is collected

We use data about you to improve our service and ensure quality in our products and services as well as in our contact with you. The data we use includes:

2.1. Automatically collected data
Our digital solutions are based on various technologies with the aim of ensuring ease of use and security. These technologies may automatically collect data in order to offer the best possible solution, either directly by us or by a third party on our behalf. Analysis of clickstream data and cookies are examples of this.
All visits to a digital solution result in information being sent from your browser to a server. It is via analysis of this data that we optimize the digital solutions. Data is collected via third parties on our behalf. Data may be collected about your computer for the purposes of system administration and internal marketing-related analyses. This data is statistical information about user behavior in the digital solutions. Examples of data collected and analyzed:
Date and time of visit.
The pages visited in the solution.
The IP address of the visitor.
Geographical location.
Information about the browser and computer used (type, version, operating system, etc.)
URL from referral site (the page from which the visitor came to our solution)
We use Google Analytics as web analysis solutions in our digital solutions. In this connection, web analysis data from our digital solutions is sent for analysis in the service provided by Google Analytics. Here, Google Analytics acts as a “data processor” of data for which we are responsible, and this data may only be disclosed by agreement or to comply with legal requirements.
See more about the privacy policies that we apply:
Google Privacy Policy

2.2. Information you provide yourself
In addition to the information collected automatically, we also process data that users have actively provided to us. This applies, among other things, to when you book a hotel stay with Hotel Saxkjøbing A/S.
Examples of data that users actively provide are:
Information you share with us via social media.
Information sent by e-mail.
Information we receive from you in connection with booking a hotel stay.
Information you share with us when you participate in surveys, events and competitions.
We use your name in our system to reserve a room for you. When you arrive at the hotel, we will be able to assign you the desired room by saying your name.
We register your telephone number and your e-mail address so that we can communicate with you about your reservation. We also use your address and e-mail if we need to send you an invoice or if we send out newsletters. We never pass on your information to a third party.

3. Use and storage of data

3.1. Purpose of collection
The following are examples of the use of the collected information:
Implementation of reservation.
Follow-up on reservation.
Communication in connection with your reservation or other inquiries to us.
Ensuring ease of use and security.
Continuous optimization of our digital solutions.
Opportunity to participate in customer surveys, competitions, draws, etc. via digital solutions.
Archive of registered products